The Coca-Cola CompanyThe Coca-Cola Company

Industry: Food & Beverage
Reviews: 3,072
View by Big 9
Cultural Value
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How Employees Talk About Culture
at Coca-Cola

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Culture at Coca-Cola

According to 3,072 Coca-Cola employees, the most frequently discussed Big 9 cultural value is agility, and the most positively discussed value is diversity.

Coca-Cola + Food & Beverage

How Coca-Cola Ranks
in the Food & Beverage Industry

This shows how the company ranks on each Big 9 cultural value compared with all companies in the Food & Beverage industry.

12th of 14
12th of 14
2nd of 5
3rd of 14
8th of 14
9th of 14
5th of 14
13th of 14
6th of 14
See the Interactive Comparison for Food & Beverage Companies

Values in Action at Coca-Cola

On its values page, The Coca-Cola Company says that it values collaboration, diversity, execution, innovation, and integrity. But do employees feel that the company upholds these values? According to the analysis done by CultureX:

Collaboration. The Coca-Cola Company is in the 20th percentile across the Culture 500 sample and is 0.5 standard deviation below its industry average (food & beverage).

Diversity. The Coca-Cola Company is in the 79th percentile across the Culture 500 sample and is 1.2 standard deviations above its industry average.

Execution. The Coca-Cola Company is in the 73rd percentile across the Culture 500 sample and is 0.4 standard deviation below its industry average.

Innovation. The Coca-Cola Company is in the 38th percentile across the Culture 500 sample and is 0.1 standard deviation below its industry average.

Integrity. The Coca-Cola Company is in the 76th percentile across the Culture 500 sample and is 0.3 standard deviation above its industry average.

The Coca-Cola Company walks the talk when it comes to diversity.