Deutsche BankDeutsche Bank

Reviews: 1,491
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Cultural Value
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How Employees Talk About Culture
at Deutsche Bank

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Culture at Deutsche Bank

According to 1,491 Deutsche Bank employees, the most frequently discussed Big 9 cultural value is agility, and the most positively discussed value is diversity.

Deutsche Bank + Diversified Financial Services

How Deutsche Bank Ranks
in the Diversified Financial Services Industry

This shows how the company ranks on each Big 9 cultural value compared with all companies in the Diversified Financial Services industry.

14th of 16
12th of 16
5th of 16
14th of 16
9th of 16
13th of 16
15th of 16
11th of 15
*Some companies may not be ranked because too few employees talk about the value.
See the Interactive Comparison for Diversified Financial Services Companies

Values in Action at Deutsche Bank

On its company website, Deutsche Bank says that it values collaboration, innovation, integrity, and performance. The question is, does the company demonstrate these values day to day? According to the analysis done by CultureX:

Collaboration. Deutsche Bank is in the 43nd percentile across the Culture 500 sample and is 0.7 standard deviation below its industry average (diversified financial services).

Innovation. Deutsche Bank is in the 45th percentile across the Culture 500 sample and is 0.2 standard deviation above its industry average.

Integrity. Deutsche Bank is in the 34th percentile across the Culture 500 sample and is 0.7 standard deviation below its industry average.

Performance. Deutsche Bank is in the 31st percentile across the Culture 500 sample and is 1.0 standard deviation below its industry average.

This company does not appear to walk the talk when it comes to these stated values.