1. Predix is a trademark of General Electric Company.
2. M. LaWell, “Building the Industrial Internet With GE,” IndustryWeek, October 5, 2015.
3. D. Floyer, “Defining and Sizing the Industrial Internet,” June 27, 2013,
i. S. Higginbotham, “BP Teams Up With GE to Make Its Oil Wells Smart,” Fortune, July 8, 2015.
Excellent overview. It will be interesting to see whether GE does any better in software quality than the other software companies have done. The focus on how Predix can minimize the financial loss of production equipment failure does not acknowledge the cost of Predix encountering an internal fault or bug in its own code. So far GE has said nothing about its intent regarding Zero-defects in its software code let alone its ability to foster Zero-defects in the user systems it facilitates.