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In developing each program — whether it’s a fully integrated approach or carefully selected individual components — MIT Sloan Management Review works to understand the challenges our partners face. The MIT SMR team will develop a program built to our sponsor’s specifications. MIT SMR creates programs to meet a range of customer/prospect engagement objectives, including branding, thought leadership, and lead generation.

Below are some examples of the sponsored content MIT SMR offers. For a complete list, along with benefits available to sponsors, request a copy of MIT SMR’s Media Kit.

Sponsored Downloads

Sponsored downloads are single articles or a collection of articles curated from the MIT SMR archive around a topic that is important and relevant to your brand.

Topic Sponsorship

Topic sponsorships are digital packages of insightful articles curated from the MIT SMR archive and newly published content on a topic relevant to your brand.

Special Reports

Special reports are digital and print packages of articles on a central theme that is important for readers right now. The program lets the sponsor closely link its brand to the topic of the new featured content.

Rates and Production Specifications

To learn more about sponsoring MIT SMR content, please contact our sales team.

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