Responsible AI / Panelist

David Polgar

All Tech Is Human

United States

David Ryan Polgar is a pioneering tech ethicist and the founder of All Tech Is Human, an organization synonymous with the responsible tech movement. His work building a large and diverse community of individuals coming together to tackle tech and society issues was recently profiled in MIT Technology Review. Polgar is an international speaker on ethical considerations regarding emerging technologies, and the need for a collaborative, multi-stakeholder, and multidisciplinary approach to building a tech future aligned with the public interest. His commentary has been featured in The Guardian, the Today show, BBC World News, MSNBC, Fast Company, Associated Press, and Los Angeles Times, and USA Today, and his speaking engagements include talks at Harvard Business School, Yale School of Management, Princeton University, NATO’s Stratcom Summit, TechChill, The Next Web, FutureNow, and Infoshare.

Voting History

Statement Response
Organizations will be ready to meet the requirements of the EU AI Act as they phase in over the next 12 months. Neither agree nor disagree “Organizations that have already invested in responsible AI programs will likely have an advantage for compliance, having spent previous years grappling with ethical implications and quandaries.”
Organizations are sufficiently expanding risk management capabilities to address AI-related risks. Disagree “There is a far greater awareness right now regarding AI-related risks, but that awareness has not effectively led to sufficient risk management capabilities in most organizations. AI, in particular generative AI, can have a tendency to paralyze appropriate risk responses because it is often viewed through a mystical newness lens rather than as a new technology that poses classic dilemmas around copyright, data protection, and false advertising.”