
Browse the categories below for answers to the most common questions.

For Subscribers

Subscribers may read any article or content item on the site. If you aren’t yet a MIT SMR subscriber, subscribe now.

Managing Your Subscription

Access your account information from the “Sign In” option in the top right of the website to access information about your account, check your expire date, change your mailing address, or update your card information.

Accessing the MIT SMR website

Click on the “Sign In” icon at the top right of any page to from your desktop, tablet, or mobile device using the email and password you chose when you subscribed.

Trouble signing in?

Make sure you are signing in using the email address and password associated with your subscription. You can also try to recover your password. (Be sure to check your spam mailbox.)

If you are unable to view the log-in window, try using a different browser, clearing your cache and cookies, or turning off any ad-blocker features you may have installed on your browser.

If you have trouble with access, please contact our Customer Service Team.

Signed in but blocked from accessing content?

to check that the correct email is on file and that your account is paid in full.

Accessing the MIT SMR App

The MIT SMR app is available for both Apple and Android devices, and features magazine content from each issue in a format tailored to your tablet and smartphone. You can access the issues associated with your subscription by signing in with the email address associated with your account. Learn more about the MIT SMR app for Apple and Android »

Trouble signing in to the app?

to verify the email address associated with your subscription.

Updating Your Account

You can change the email address and password associated with your subscription by on the MIT SMR site.

Click here to update your newsletter opt-ins.

Print Delivery

We mail our quarterly print issues on approximately the 15th of March, June, September and December. Delivery in the US takes 4 weeks; international delivery takes 8 weeks. If you have questions or concerns about your print issues, please contact our Customer Service Team.

Missing or Damaged Issue Claims

You may claim a missing or damaged issue two times within a 12-month period. Claims must be made within one year of an issue’s publication date. MIT SMR will honor claims made on or after the following dates:

Claim Date Begins
Fall, Issue 1: November 8
Winter, Issue 2: February 8
Spring, Issue 3: May 8
Summer, Issue 4: August 8

For other policies, please refer to our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.

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For Site Members

Registered site members can access a few free articles per month. Sign up for a site membership.

Accessing the MIT SMR website

Sign in to the MIT SMR website from your desktop, tablet or mobile device using the email and password you chose when you registered.

Trouble signing in?

Recover your password. (Be sure to check your spam mailbox.)

If you have trouble resetting your password, please contact our Customer Service Team.

Accessing the MIT SMR App

The MIT SMR app is available for both Apple and Android devices, and features magazine content from each issue in a format tailored to your tablet and smartphone. non-subscribers can purchase individual issues or become a subscriber right from the app. Learn more about the MIT SMR app »

Updating Your Account

You can change the email address and password associated with your membership by on the MIT SMR site.


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Permission to Distribute or Post Articles

Buying Permissions

How do I get permission to distribute an article?

At the top of every article there is a buy button on the left. Click the buy button and choose “PDF + permission to distribute” to gain permission. There is a permission fee to distribute articles.


How much do articles and permissions cost?

View our pricing page for information about cost and purchasing options.

Do you offer an academic discount?

An academic discount of 50% is available to teachers at degree-granting institutions of higher education and the bookstores serving them. Learn more about academic discounts.

Usage and Restrictions

Can I distribute PDFs via email?

Yes. The permission fee applies to each copy that you email. When transmitting electronically, please inform each recipient that MIT SMR’s material is copyrighted, and no further reproduction or distribution can be made without the express written consent of MIT Sloan Management Review.

Can I post your articles on my company’s website?

Yes, but there are permission fees associated. Please contact us to gain permission to post an article on your site.

Book Permissions

How do I get permission to use an article in a book?

You can order book permissions by emailing Tribune Content Agency with the information below. Pricing is based on the book’s print run and starts at $500.

  • Title of book / magazine (may need a sample if new publication)
  • Author(s) / editor(s)
  • Publication date / issue date
  • Print run / circulation size
  • Title(s) of MIT SMR article(s) — not to exceed two
  • Requestor’s address, including billing contact

Payment is due upon the book’s publication date.

Special Requests

Can I get custom reprints of an article with my company’s logo?

Yes. We are more than happy to assist you in developing a custom reprint for your company function or presentation. Please email us for more information.

Can I translate an article into another language?

Yes, if the article is for academic use. Obtain permission using the instructions above, and you are free to translate. If the translated article is to be published in a magazine or book, please contact at our international syndicator, Tribune Content Agency.


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Individual Subscriptions

MIT SMR subscribers get immediate and unlimited access to the 25+-year archive, free access to the MIT SMR app for iOS and Android, free article downloads, plus a semi-monthly newsletter. To become an MIT SMR subscriber, fill out the subscription form and choose which type of subscription you’d like.

Library & Organization Subscriptions

Companies, colleges, universities and public libraries across the world subscribe to MIT SMR through its organizational subscription program. This subscription program is available to organizations with both single-site and multi-site access. Learn more about organizational subscriptions.


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Shopping and Store

Buying Articles and Collections

How do I buy a single article, research report or collection?

At the top of every article there is a buy button on the left. Click the buy button and choose “PDF” to purchase a single license copy of the article. On research reports, the “Buy” button is in the left-hand navigation.

To purchase a collection, you can visit the Collections page in our store.

For information about permission to distribute an article, see the previous section.


How much do articles cost?

View our pricing page for information about cost and purchasing options.

Accessing Your Purchase

I bought an article, but I’m not able to open the PDF link. What is wrong?

You will need the most current version of Adobe Acrobat Reader to view our PDFs. You can download this directly through the Adobe website. You may also need to upgrade your browser software (e.g. Internet Explorer, Netscape, Firefox, etc.) for the Reader to launch properly from the download link. Other ways to troubleshoot this problem are:

  • Clear your browser’s cache or temporary internet files folder.
  • Save the PDF to your computer, and then open the file.
  • Open the Adobe Reader software first, then open the PDF document you downloaded.

If you close the “Thank You” page on which the download link displays, you will not be able to download the PDF from your browser. However, you will receive an email receipt displaying the same download link.

Why do I get an error message when entering my credit card information?

Payment processing errors can occur for several reasons. Here are some common problems:

  • You entered a ZIP code in your shopping cart which is different from the ZIP code on your customer information screen. Please note that the ZIP code field in the shopping cart is related to the shipping address. If you enter a different ZIP code in the customer checkout screen, you will receive an error.
  • Always click on the “Update” button in the shopping cart when making changes to the ZIP code and shipping method (if applicable).
  • Make sure that the ZIP codes are the same, and be sure to check the box in the customer checkout screen. If not the same, fill in the appropriate information on the customer checkout screen.
  • You incorrectly entered your credit card number, expiration date or name on the credit card.
  • If using a corporate purchasing card, there may be restrictions on the card that prevent you from transacting with an academic institution. Please check with your institution’s purchasing card administrator to rectify this problem, or use a different credit card.
Why do the reprints/PDFs have gray-shaded boxes?

For copyright reasons, we do not include copyrighted photography in PDFs or paper reprints. You can be assured, however, that the text remains the same, and any graphics, such as tables or charts, will be included.

Back Issues

Can I purchase a back issue?

Back issues are sold on our website. We do not stock every issue, so availability is limited. You can find available issues by searching the magazine archives. You can then click on the given issue/date and purchase the issue you want.


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Services for Faculty

Do you have an Academic Preview policy?

Yes. Visit the academic resources page to learn more about MIT SMR in the classroom and request up to five articles to preview.

Is there a permission discount for faculty?

Yes, for permission orders only. Enter ACADEMIC in the promotion box of your cart, and give the name of the instructor, the institution, and the course.


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For Authors

Where do I get information on submitting an article to MIT SMR?

Please visit our author guidelines page for complete instructions.


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For Libraries and Organizations

Please visit our organizational subscription page for complete information.


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