Responsible AI / Panelist

Kay Firth-Butterfield

World Economic Forum

United States

Kay Firth-Butterfield is head of AI and machine learning and a member of the executive committee of the World Economic Forum. In the United Kingdom, she is a barrister with Doughty Street Chambers and has worked as a mediator, arbitrator, part-time judge, business owner, and professor. She is vice chair of the IEEE Global Initiative for Ethical Considerations in Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Systems and serves on the Polaris Council of the U.S. Government Accountability Office advising on AI.

Learn more about Kay Firth-Butterfield’s approach to AI on the Me, Myself, and AI podcast.

Voting History

Statement Response
Responsible AI should be a part of the top management agenda. Strongly agree “Every company will be an AI company, even if they think of themselves as a manufacturing company or a health care company. AI will be running in the background, maybe hiring employees and making countless decisions. In their actual core business, they will be using AI to develop new insights and business. If any of this is not “responsibly” done, then the impact will be seen via legal suits, customer loss, or/and bottom-line loss. All organizations (all employees) need to know and understand responsible AI. You don’t need to learn AI in the same way you don’t know how the airbags work in your car but you know that switching them off could be disastrous!”