AI & Machine Learning
Self-Driving Companies Are Coming
Automation can go far beyond cars. Self-driving company capabilities are closer than we realize.
Automation can go far beyond cars. Self-driving company capabilities are closer than we realize.
AI can help you choose, measure, and prioritize the KPIs informing your strategy.
How CIOs and analytics executives can work together to build cultures that trust data-driven investigation and insights.
We’re in the midst of a big data revolution, but not all companies are flourishing in this new era.
To make AI a strategic differentiator, organizations need to draw from alternative data sets.
A Twitter chat featuring Ben Alamar examines how sports analytics can inform companies’ use of data.
MIT professor Munther Dahleh proposes a marketplace for data that bases the cost of data on the financial value it generates
Join the co-authors of “Using Analytics to Improve Customer Engagement” and special guest Teddy Bekele as they show how analytical innovators are gathering and sharing data to build loyalty and keep customers.
Organizations that make use of data from a variety of sources excel at customer engagement, as explained in the 2018 Data & Analytics Report.
Marketers need a holistic data and analytics approach to deliver personalized customer experiences.
The sports industry’s use of analytics on and off the field highlights three key strategies for success.
Managers already struggle to put data to intelligent use; AI may add to their difficulty.
Many organizations need to develop greater expertise at valuing their data assets.
The ability to monetize data — not hoard it — can offer competitive advantage in the digital economy.
Video panel features a discussion of real-life cases: organizations becoming analytical innovators.
Many organizations are finding success with IoT projects with thoughtful planning.
Following initial experiments to see what the city’s data would reveal, Amsterdam is now using that information to spur innovations and improve services for citizens, businesses and tourists alike.
Effectively coordinating supply chains will increasingly require new approaches to data transparency.
If there are quality problems with your data, there are ways to clean it up — but it’s often more efficient to refactor your processes to prevent “smelly” data.