Are You and Your Organization Aligned on Climate Change?

This year’s sustainability and innovation survey — the fifth survey in collaboration with our knowledge partner The Boston Consulting Group — delves into questions of climate change. Make your opinion count by taking the survey and sharing the link with your colleagues.

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Leading Sustainable Organizations

Corporate adoption of sustainable business practices is essential to a strong market environment and an enduring society. What does it mean to become a sustainable business and what steps must leaders take to integrate sustainability into their organization?
More in this series

Last week, we launched our fifth sustainability and innovation survey, in collaboration with our knowledge partner The Boston Consulting Group. We’ve included many new questions, and hope you will take the survey if you haven’t already. We also invite you to forward the link to colleagues and friends you think may be interested in contributing to our research — and, of course, entering the drawing for the free iPad Mini.

While we are continuing to explore the links between sustainability, management practices, and business models, this year we’re also interested in how you and your organization are aligned on issues specific to climate change — from perceptions and beliefs, to methods of assessing potential risks and the challenges of acting to mitigate them.

So far, more than 1,500 people have completed the survey, and we’d like to double the number. The survey will be open until the end of June, at which point we’ll pull the data and start crunching numbers. We expect to have early results in September, and a full report out by the end of the year. (You can see last year’s report our on our website.)

Make your opinion count! Take the survey, and share it with others in your organization.


Leading Sustainable Organizations

Corporate adoption of sustainable business practices is essential to a strong market environment and an enduring society. What does it mean to become a sustainable business and what steps must leaders take to integrate sustainability into their organization?
More in this series

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