What Leaders Get Wrong About Employee Motivation

Flawed assumptions about what motivates people to work can lead to counterproductive management tactics. Research points to a better way.

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Dan Bejar/theispot.com

Since managers started managing, they have questioned how to motivate employees to be productive and do good work — and, for most, their answers are still shaped by assumptions formed long ago. While modern leaders understand that the best performance comes from intrinsically motivated, highly engaged employees, many still use traditional management practices that assume people won’t work hard unless they are incentivized and monitored to make sure they deliver. Underlying that inconsistency are two theories with very different assumptions about how humans are motivated, each with significant implications for management, organizational structure, culture, and outcomes.

In our recent paper in the Journal of Management Studies, we compare agency theory and self-determination theory — both highly influential in research, business education, and practice. We suggest that agency theory has dominated management practice for decades — despite evidence about its limitations — leading to suboptimal ways of managing workers.1

Agency theory is built on the assumption that humans are self-interested, rational beings who need to be controlled and motivated through external mechanisms such as rules, monitoring, and rewards. A fundamental assumption is that employee goals and organizational goals are in opposition — organizational owners (for example, shareholders) want to pay the minimum required to get the work done in order to maximize capital gains, whereas employees want to put in minimal effort for maximum pay. This means that employees need to be persuaded to contribute to organizational goals via incentives and must be monitored and regulated to ensure they work effectively.

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How is this suboptimal? Monitoring, regulating, and incentivizing people to work harder is expensive and never foolproof. It requires constant attention to close loopholes that humans find when their autonomy is limited by command-and-control systems. It’s like fighting a losing battle. Attempts to monitor and incentivize work can also lead to unintended negative consequences, including employees gaming the system, ignoring moral and ethical issues, and focusing on short-term gains over long-term sustainability. In recent decades scandals such as those at Wells Fargo, WorldCom, and GlaxoSmithKline have been linked to the use — and failure — of these mechanisms of control.

Self-determination theory, on the other hand, assumes that individuals are naturally intrinsically motivated and thrive when their basic psychological needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness are satisfied.


References (5)

1. M. Gagné and R. Hewett, “Assumptions About Human Motivation Have Consequences for Practice,” Journal of Management Studies, Early View, published online June 3, 2024.

2. M. Gagné and E.L. Deci, “Self-Determination Theory and Work Motivation,” Journal of Organizational Behavior 26, no. 4 (June, 2005): 331-362; and R.M. Ryan and E.L. Deci, “Self-Determination Theory: Basic Psychological Needs in Motivation, Development, and Wellness” (New York: Guilford Press, 2017).

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Comments (2)
Sarah Stones
As a Motivation Specialist I am always fascinated to discover research and read more about this subject area, that I don't believe gets enough attention.

I completely agree with self determination theory however, rather than there just being 3 things that motivate us, I believe that there are 9 different things that we need to consider.  The 9 different drivers of our intrinsic motivation (or in other words our needs) are: 
Security and stability, Recognition, Meaningful relationships, Being in charge, Earning and competition, Learning and development (Mastery), Creativity & Problem solving, Freedom and Independence (Autonomy) and finally Making a difference (Purpose).  We all have all 9 motivators and their importance often changes as we go through life.  Identifying which motivators are important for us and for those around us, is a bit like knowing which tye of fuel to put in your car.  If your car fuel tank is empty, your car won't go anywhere - if we don't have the right energy (fuel/motivation) going in, we won't achieve our goals but with a full fuel tank we can fly - and knowing what fuel those around us needs enables us to support them to fly too!
Stuart Roehrl
The authors explain exceptionally well the two opposing leadership theories - agency and self-determination.  The article is packed full with great information.   There may be some business scenarios where the self-determination style would be impractical, but even in those situations, some aspects of this approach could be useful, such as taking an empathetic deeper personal look when someone is struggling to meet performance goals.  
Stuart Roehrl