The Best of This Week

The week’s must-reads for managing in the digital age, curated by the MIT SMR editors.

Reading Time: 1 min 


Weekly Recap

The Best of This Week is a roundup of essential articles for managers in the digital age, including content from MIT Sloan Management Review and other publications around the globe, curated by MIT SMR editors.
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Five Benefits of Coworking Spaces for Fully Remote Companies

The appeal of coworking spaces declined sharply once the COVID-19 pandemic hit, but new research suggests that such workspaces will become even more important and more popular in the post-pandemic world than they were before — not just for entrepreneurs and freelancers, but for large companies, too. Consider these five benefits, for both companies and their employees, that can be gained when remote workers are given the option to choose where they do their work.

Sharing Value for Ecosystem Success

An egocentric approach to defining ecosystems undermines the ability of everyone involved — leaders, followers, and partners alike — to see alignment hurdles and craft appropriate strategies. Both the companies positioning themselves as leaders and those that choose followership may benefit from these successful ecosystem strategies.

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Why Closing the Median Wage Gap Isn’t Fair

A new research report indicates that organizations are increasingly focusing on median compensation — and paying women closer to the median, whereas men in equivalent positions typically receive compensation beyond that narrow range. Effectively, women have been given a glass floor as redress for the still-present glass ceiling.

Meaningful Steps for More Effective Workplace Allyship

Many people believe that in recent years they have become better allies with coworkers who are members of marginalized groups. But their colleagues who are supposed to be on the receiving end of that support often see a disconnect between what allies do and what would actually be helpful. These three steps can help employees take meaningful action and be more effective allies.

What Else We’re Reading This Week

Quote of the Week:

“The potential that AI carries with respect to just overall improving efficiency and cost effectiveness is huge.”

— Sarah Karthigan, AI operations manager at ExxonMobil, in the latest Me, Myself, and AI podcast episode, “Developing an Appetite for AI


Weekly Recap

The Best of This Week is a roundup of essential articles for managers in the digital age, including content from MIT Sloan Management Review and other publications around the globe, curated by MIT SMR editors.
More in this series

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