Mini Lessons
Succeeding With Data and Analytics
Most organizations have access to plenty of data but many struggle to prioritize and communicate about it effectively.
Three Principles of Analytics Amplification
Sam Ransbotham, professor at Boston College Carroll School of Business, explains how organizations should prioritize reporting on analytics.
How to Capture Value From Analytics
Ben Shields, senior lecturer at the MIT Sloan School of Management, explores how executives can capture value from analytics work — which starts with a strategy.
Communicate Effectively With Data
Ben Shields, senior lecturer at the MIT Sloan School of Management, explains three ways managers can communicate with data.
How Organizations Should Use Analytics
Sam Ransbotham, professor at Boston College Carroll School of Business, explains how easier access to analytics tools raises questions for organizations about their strategic use.
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Why Sports Is a Great Proving Ground for Management Ideas
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Using Analytics to Improve Customer Engagement
Organizations that make use of data from a variety of sources excel at customer engagement, as explained in the 2018 Data & Analytics Report.