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Use Human-Centric Leadership to Find and Keep Talent

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MIT SMR Connections

MIT SMR Connections was an independent unit within MIT Sloan Management Review. Operating separately from the editorial group, it created high-quality, sponsor-funded content. Connections no longer produces new content, but previously published sponsor-funded projects remain available on the MIT SMR website.

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The changing nature of work means it’s now more essential than ever to bring the human element back into how we interact with others in our workplaces.

In this free one-hour webinar, Amy Ihlen and Sam Herskovitz of ADP discuss a variety of ways to find top talent, nurture employee growth and development, and increase retention. The session, moderated by business and technology journalist Wade Roush, explains how organizations can:

  • Build strong talent acquisition and retention strategies for a volatile and evolving labor market.
  • Use human-centric leadership to connect with employees early and often.
  • Leverage employee strengths throughout their careers.
  • Create work that genuinely challenges and engages employees.
  • Emphasize worker well-being both inside and outside of the office.

MIT SMR Connections

Content Sponsored by ADP