Security & Privacy
Blockchain Isn’t as Unbreakable as You Think
Blockchain is vulnerable in some ways that conventional systems are — and in ways all its own.
Blockchain is vulnerable in some ways that conventional systems are — and in ways all its own.
A value chain lens reveals a growing cybercrime ecosystem and new strategies for combating it.
Consumers’ concerns about data privacy are offset by a desire for personalized service.
Organizations can benefit from four activities in their journey toward better digital trust.
A look at the downside of user-friendly platforms, the dark web, and more.
Join MIT SMR Connections and SAS for a Twitter chat on how to make sure your data is trustworthy.
Investing in cybersecurity capabilities for IoT products is essential, but it requires resources.
New research by MIT SMR Connections and SAS reveals how organizations build trust in analytics.
Many companies are putting themselves through military-inspired games to beef up their cyber resilience.
“Flight simulators” to prepare managers for cyberattacks lead to better cybersecurity decisions.
The MIT SMR Strategy Forum examines whether privacy concerns limit the use of consumer data.
Apps that encourage users to share contact information expose companies to a huge security liability.
A zero-trust network, which hosts an organization’s services in the cloud, is the safest option.
The cost of bad data is an astonishing 15% to 25% of revenue for most companies.
Within organizations, cybersecurity needs to be everyone’s business — including the board’s.
IoT-enabled devices are the new weakest link in data security — and companies need to address this now.
Tough new EU data security laws mean that consumers’ data is about to become more valuable.
Though customer service is a key analytics focus, it offers potential for security improvements too.
A featured excerpt from The Mathematical Corporation by Josh Sullivan and Angela Zutavern.