Tell Your Colleagues: MIT SMR Is Unlocked Today Through Thursday

Our site is free and unlocked today through Thursday, and we’ve got some recommendations for you.

Reading Time: 2 min 


It’s autumn in Cambridge, so it’s time once again for our free reading spree. I invite you to spend some time on the MIT SMR website, where all of our articles, reports, videos, and interactive tools are freely available through Thursday, Oct. 10.

Like most of our readers, we are always curious about the evolutions and revolutions happening in organizations around the world. Our aim is to bring you the most innovative, useful ideas we can find — not just to provide information but to spark breakthroughs for your teams, guide your leadership efforts, and help you meet the challenges you face with perspective and insight. There’s so much great advice out there; we know you have plenty of choices, and we appreciate your choosing MIT SMR. So we work hard to distinguish what we’re publishing by focusing on management issues for a digital world and by carefully editing and curating what our expert authors have to say.

To get you started on the free reading spree, we’re offering some recommendations here, based on what readers are telling us are their most pressing problems. I hope the selections below are helpful to you. We’d love your feedback.

Collaborating With Impact

Collaborate Smarter, Not Harder

Rob Cross, Thomas H. Davenport, and Peter Gray

Improving the Rhythm of Your Collaboration

Ethan Bernstein, Jesse Shore, and David Lazer

It’s Time to Tackle Your Team’s Undiscussables

Ginka Toegel and Jean-Louis Barsoux

Unleashing Innovation With Collaboration Platforms

Massimo Magni and Likoebe Maruping

Engaging With AI and Machine Learning

People and Machines: Partners in Innovation

Senén Barro and Thomas H. Davenport

The Fundamental Flaw in AI Implementation

Jeanne Ross

Using AI to Enhance Business Operations

Monideepa Tarafdar, Cynthia M. Beath, and Jeanne W. Ross

How Algorithms Can Diversify the Startup Pool

Morela Hernandez, Roshni Raveedhran, Elizabeth Weingarten, and Michaela Barnett

Developing Your Digital Strategy

Building Digital-Ready Culture in Traditional Organizations

George Westerman, Deborah L. Soule, and Anand Eswaran

The Seven Technologies Remaking the World

Albert H. Segars

Managing Technology for the Post-Digital Era

Paul Daugherty

Smart Strategies Require Smarter KPIs

Michael Schrage

Transformation Without Technology

Gerald C. Kane

The Nine Elements of Digital Transformation

George Westerman, Didier Bonnet, and Andrew McAfee

Exploring How We Work and Live

Older and Wiser? How Management Style Varies With Age

Julian Birkinshaw, James Manktelow, Vittorio D’Amato, Elena Tosca, and Francesca Macchi

Hacking Inequality at Home

Jennifer Louise Petriglieri

How Managers Can Help Workers Tackle Digital Distractions

Brian Solis

Leisure Is Our Killer App

Adam Waytz

Preparing Teams for the Future of Work

New Frontiers in Re-skilling and Upskilling

Lynda Gratton

Why Teams Still Need Leaders

Lindred (Lindy) Greer, interviewed by Frieda Klotz

The New Role for Managers in Workplace Learning

Kelly Palmer

The Time for Retraining Is Now

R. Edward Freeman and James R. Freeland


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