The Top 10 MIT SMR Articles of 2023

Check out 2023’s most-read articles for insights on your toughest leadership challenges.

Reading Time: 2 min 


ChatGPT debuted in November 2022 — and became the topic that no leader could ignore in 2023. What can generative AI tools like ChatGPT do and what can’t they do? Our most-read articles this year reflect the hunger among business leaders for practical advice on answering those and other AI-related questions, such as “Can you chat about business strategy with ChatGPT with productive results?” Our No. 1 article shares useful truths.

But even in the age of AI, the toughest hurdles are often human, not technological. Emotional intelligence is a muscle that leaders still must build the old-fashioned way — with practice. As our top-10 list shows, leaders continue to struggle mightily with the communication and culture problems that impact teams.

Finding better solutions to these challenges often requires asking new and better questions. For instance, how can a hero, a treasure, and a dragon help you reframe business problems? Read our No. 6 story to find out.

As you continue your leadership journey in 2024, we’ll be sharing novel, evidence-based lessons from MIT Sloan’s experts and academics and innovative practitioners from around the world. For now, this roundup of 2023 articles is a great place to start.

Three Lessons From Chatting About Strategy With ChatGPT

Christian Stadler and Martin Reeves

When generative AI’s capacity for strategy creation is put to the test, it reveals where its strengths lie — and where humans still have the edge.

Why Innovation Depends on Intellectual Honesty

Jeff Dyer, Nathan Furr, Curtis Lefrandt, and Taeya Howell

Fostering psychological safety isn’t enough if managers don’t pay particular attention to creating conditions for healthy debate.

Building Robust Responsible AI Programs as Third-Party AI Tools Proliferate

Elizabeth M. Renieris, David Kiron, and Steven Mills

Explore findings from the 2023 Responsible AI Global Executive Study and Research Project. The risks and failures of AI systems are more palpable and numerous than ever, but organizations are at risk of falling behind.

Five Ways to Make Your One-on-One Meetings More Effective

Jessica Wisdom

Failing to use time with direct reports in a meaningful way — or, worse, skipping these meetings altogether — can lead to higher attrition and drag down organizational goals.

The Toxic Culture Gap Shows Companies Are Failing Women

Donald Sull and Charles Sull

Research shows that women are 41% more likely to experience toxic workplace culture than men.

Become a Better Problem Solver by Telling Better Stories

Arnaud Chevallier, Albrecht Enders, and Jean-Louis Barsoux

One of the biggest obstacles to effective decision-making is failure to define the problem well. Invoking the power of narrative and a simple story structure can help ensure that teams are solving the right problem.

Take a Skills-Based Approach to Culture Change

Per Hugander

Applying new skills to meaningful problems at the learning stage helps turn skeptics into evangelists and achieve lasting cultural change.

Don’t Get Distracted by the Hype Around Generative AI

Lee Vinsel

Hype around generative AI tools like ChatGPT impede business leaders’ ability to make well-informed technology choices.

Managing the Cultural Pitfalls of Hybrid Work

Christine Moorman and Katie Hinkfuss

The authors offer 11 strategies for leading more effective hybrid teams based on data from a recent survey of marketing leaders.

Video — Thorny Talent and AI Challenges Now: 5 Experts Speak

What talent issues should leaders prioritize? How should managers advocate for workers in the age of AI? MIT SMR authors share their insights in this video.


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