Climate Change
How Gap Inc. Engaged With its Stakeholders
When the Gap decided to overhaul the way it interacted with critics, it launched a strategy of stakeholder engagement.
When the Gap decided to overhaul the way it interacted with critics, it launched a strategy of stakeholder engagement.
Should you price a consumer product at a price that ends in 99 cents — or price it at a round dollar amount?
What are the characteristics that can help guide companies through disruptive transitions?
Why have investors been so bullish on companies like Disney? It’s their business models.
A study found that certain marketing techniques can influence a company’s stock market valuation.
This article assesses root causes of the highly publicized recalls of Toyota vehicles in the U.S.
Sophisticated relationship management resources alone won’t make customers more loyal.
Lessons from the successes and failures of many emerging technologies offer a helpful guide in how adoption works.
While network effects do affect market share flows, quality prevails.
Project leaders should frame projects the same way marketing managers frame branding efforts.
Generating good innovation proposals from within the ranks of the organization is only the beginning. The more difficult part is creating a selection process that identifies which ideas to implement.