AI & Machine Learning
Generate Value From GenAI With ‘Small t’ Transformations
Companies are getting real value from generative AI today and building for future transformation by managing risk.
Companies are getting real value from generative AI today and building for future transformation by managing risk.
Generative AI can greatly enhance organizational learning, but using it successfully requires the right mindset.
Many organizations aren’t sure how to reap business value from GenAI. This series offers expert insights and examples.
On the Me, Myself, and AI podcast, Alessandra Sala shares how Shutterstock’s photo library incorporates responsible AI.
Defining constraints can help large companies foster both employee autonomy and organizational and strategic alignment.
Apply these four lessons to successfully put employees at the heart of strategic planning and benefit from their input.
Selling value requires more than quantifying benefits. It demands a deep commitment to collaborating with customers.
Researchers share a three-part approach to help leaders of digital health platforms manage and scale their businesses.
Smart organizations need smarter KPIs. This report outlines how leaders can create and capture value from smart KPIs.
Executives must confront a strategic planning blind spot: their assumptions about the future business context.
Modifying culture can help drive organizational change but requires clarity about the type of change leaders are seeking.
Executing strategy requires understanding your critical roles and putting your best people in them.
Researchers are seeing stronger business benefits when KPIs are adjusted with or created by AI tools.
Experts weigh how a proposed ban on noncompete agreements might affect innovation and entrepreneurship beyond tech hubs.
Researchers discuss the potential benefits of using artificial intelligence to redefine KPIs and strategic measurement.
Research shows that a company’s confessions to past wrongs enhances people’s perception of its corporate responsibility.
Leaders should build resilience, local agility, and portfolio agility to prepare for economic uncertainty.
A panel of experts considers whether Tesla has what it takes to remain the top producer of electric vehicles in the U.S.
Companies must develop the capacity to accurately assess the execution of purpose-driven strategies on ESG goals.
Strategy experts weigh in on the long-term effects of Starbucks’s wage increase for nonunionized employees.