Leadership Skills
How to Amplify the Advantages of Working at a Founder-Led Company
Companies run by their originators often have deep experience, earned legitimacy, and forgiving stakeholders.
Companies run by their originators often have deep experience, earned legitimacy, and forgiving stakeholders.
On the Me, Myself, and AI podcast, LG Nova entrepreneur in residence Shilpa Prasad discusses startups innovating with AI.
On the Me, Myself, and AI podcast, venture capitalist Hina Dixit shares her criteria for investing in AI startups.
There are key steps company leaders can take to instill and manage a human-centered culture.
To ensure success, entrepreneurs need to create two business plans: one for disruption and one for cooperation.
Partnering with both intrapreneurs and external startups enables companies to accelerate innovation.
Data and algorithms can mitigate gender bias in venture capital funding.
Developing-world entrepreneurs need to build networks that compensate for weak public institutions.
Free markets and free minds require access to new ideas, innovation, and infrastructure.
Featured excerpt from WTF? What’s the Future and Why It’s Up to Us by Tim O’Reilly.
Hot markets are attractive — but investors and entrepreneurs may get better results elsewhere.
Crowdfunding backers are important for the feedback, ideas, and word of mouth they provide to entrepreneurs.
Peer-to-peer businesses are shaking up fundamental assumptions about how the economy works.