Marketing Strategy
The Pitfalls of Nickname Branding
Research shows that customers are less responsive when companies use brand nicknames in their marketing efforts.
Research shows that customers are less responsive when companies use brand nicknames in their marketing efforts.
Experts in artificial intelligence debate if organizations should disclose how AI is used in products and services.
Marketing leaders who understand the full value of a benefits-first perspective can help their companies better compete.
In a polarized culture, market to your brand’s top supporters, who can help build your fan base among skeptics.
Even iconic products need updates to stay relevant, but businesses can retain loyal customers while attracting new ones.
“Category kings” make three common but avoidable mistakes that open the door to competitors.
Innovators need to develop their innovation capital so they can turn their ideas into reality.
Strategy hijacks — situations in which companies must adjust their strategies due to consumer backlash — can be predicted and avoided.
Small and midtier brands have unique opportunities to provide value in the new consumer environment.
Companies using e-commerce sites like Amazon must work to maintain a strong brand identity.
Lessons from technology marketing industry leaders in the digital era.
A look at 1990s hockey defender Larry Murphy holds lessons for team building.
Sports analytics shows that the best performance enhancer is sleep.
An industry executive and a scholar discuss how AI-based tools can transform the retail business.
Why do losing teams often out-perform winners at the box office?
Would NBA teams make fewer draft mistakes if they measured basketball IQ?
Before your next large-scale product launch, try leveraging uncertainty for competitive advantage.
Customers relationships evolve. Understanding how is the key to tailoring your CRM strategy.
Building a sophisticated online user community a begins with a smart approach to seeding it with expert knowledge.
Online product recommendation networks can spread demand from one product to another.