Marketing Innovation
Understanding Your Customer Isn’t Enough
According to Clayton Christensen, companies should focus on the job customers are trying to get done when they use a product or service.
Analytics & Business Intelligence
The Prediction Lover’s Handbook
Assessment tools for better-informing decisions have proliferated. Which ones work?
Developing Strategy
Competing Against Low-Cost Countries
Higher quality and niche marketing are not always the answer.
Marketing Strategy
When Consumers Go to Extremes
Consumer preference is determined by how their options are presented.
Innovation Strategy
Benefiting from Rivals’ Breakthroughs
A company’s market value actually increases when its known rivals innovate.
Marketing Strategy
Merging the Brands and Branding the Merger
When one company acquires another, executives have 10 distinct options for the corporate rebranding.
Marketing Strategy
Rethinking Consumer Boycotts
INTELLIGENCE: New developments, research and ideas in management
How to Prevent Your Customers From Failing
As companies use self-service technologies, responsibility for service quality shifts to customers.
The Great Expectations Effect
Asking customers about their wants increases the probability that they will be dissatisfied.