Bringing Customers Along on the Digital Journey

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The data streams generated by customers using smart, connected products can lead to new products and services.

Successful digital transformation demands that legacy companies evolve their traditional value chains to create new data-fueled value propositions for their customers. Leaders must rethink their priorities and develop new marketing, business, and revenue- and profit-generation models.

In his new book, The Future of Competitive Strategy: Unleashing the Power of Data and Digital Ecosystems, Mohan Subramaniam explains how businesses must transform existing customers into digital customers, whose interactions generate streams of data that can be used to create fresh revenue and expand the scope of product and service businesses.

In this webinar, you’ll learn:

  • Why digital business presents different strategic challenges — and the thorniest issue that legacy companies face when executing a digital transformation.
  • How innovative businesses are convincing customers that digitally enhanced, connected products provide greater value and promise future benefits.
  • Where your infrastructure and production ecosystem needs to be built out to support new services, and new partner relationships.


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