AI & Machine Learning
Global Competition With AI in Business: How China Differs
AI’s largest and most enduring contributions will be in non-technology sectors, and many of them will come from China.
AI’s largest and most enduring contributions will be in non-technology sectors, and many of them will come from China.
Foreign companies must retool their R&D strategies to keep pace with newly innovative Chinese enterprises.
Competing against state-subsidized competitors in global markets requires a new set of tactics.
Many Asian startups are competing on business model innovation and new technology rather than cost.
Companies entering global markets should identify an approach that best suits their business model.
Regenerative marketing and collaborative exchange are just two of many tactics offering businesses pathways to sustainability.
OECD standards require investors to conduct environmental and human rights due diligence.
Small-scale social entrepreneurs lead the way in addressing social issues. Can companies follow their lead?
Big data analysis can help geographically distributed companies monitor customer satisfaction.
A new Chinese edition will bring MIT SMR content to the burgeoning Chinese market.
Executives’ perceptions of the motives of pirates and purchasers vary by country.
International arrangements require more formal mechanisms.
Will the Japanese business system survive the current recession?