Fall 2020 Issue
This issue’s special report explores how leaders can reshape their strategies for a reimagined future.
Special Report: Reboot Your Strategy
From the Editor
Leading Change
Seize the Moment
The COVID-19 pandemic has permanently changed social norms. Although there will be enormous challenges ahead, these changes nonetheless offer business leaders an opportunity to create a future that’s different from — and better than — the prepandemic “business as usual.”
The 2020 Richard Beckhard Memorial Prize
Organizational Behavior
The 2020 Richard Beckhard Memorial Prize
The winner of the 2020 Beckhard Prize is “Improving the Rhythm of Your Collaboration,” by Ethan Bernstein, Jesse Shore, and David Lazer.
Leading Change
What New Normal Should We Create?
The disruption triggered by the pandemic is rich with opportunities to fundamentally improve how we live.
Executive Briefings
Leading Change
Our Guide to the Fall 2020 Issue
The Fall 2020 issue of MIT SMR offers leaders new strategies for an uncertain business environment.