Technology Innovation Strategy
IoT Can Drive Big Savings in the Post-Sales Supply Chain
For the IoT revolution to progress, data collection and data quality both must be greatly improved.
For the IoT revolution to progress, data collection and data quality both must be greatly improved.
The success or failure of bringing the IoT into an organization depends on the commitment of its leadership.
Products connected to the Internet of Things are providing unprecedented levels of information.
An online questionnaire helps assess how well a company’s supply chain and sales operations are integrated.
Customers want employee interaction, convenience, and fast transactions in their self-service technology.
Research by MIT SMR shows that effective digital strategy is strongly associated with a company’s overall digital maturity.
Research suggests that high levels of employee engagement are associated with higher rates of profitability growth.
Joining the supply and demand sides of an enterprise presents an opportunity for efficiency and value creation.
By using mobile devices, social media, analytics and the cloud, savvy companies are transforming the way they do business.
The overconfidence of presumed expertise is counterproductive. Instead, data trumps intuition.
To thrive in today’s retail environment means reexamining how both information and products are delivered.
Misguided attempts to improve satisfaction can damage a company’s financial health.
It’s easy to say customer satisfaction is very important – but harder to put that into practice.
Companies need to focus their online strategies to create a successful digital business model.
Product selection is one of six significant drivers of customer satisfaction for e-retailers.
If you lack a good digital business model, your customers may leave you behind.
Consumers want to know when they’re being watched, and have changing expectations about privacy and data mining.
What’s smarter: To charge separately for extras — or to combine all charges into one total price?
Managers can gauge their company’s customer focus by posing a set of five specific questions.