Analytics & Business Intelligence
Actioned Analytics Pave the Way to New Customer Value
Companies can use an array of tactics to make sure that their data products inspire action — and create value.
Companies can use an array of tactics to make sure that their data products inspire action — and create value.
Three kinds of revenue models make companies increasingly accountable for customer outcomes.
Sustaining organizational culture beyond the office, creating value with opportunity marketplaces, and avoiding strategy hijacks.
Opportunity marketplaces sustain employment, reveal untapped worker capabilities, and motivate workers in new ways.
Big data mining is no longer enough. Data exchanges will shape new economic ecosystems.
Collisions between innovators and existing players are forcing executives to rethink their strategy.
Redesigning jobs should be seen as a process that enables work to be redefined to create new value.
This case study follows Mondelez International’s project to implement RPA as part of its AI journey.
Combining cutting-edge AI and MIT expertise, the Culture 500 provides a nuanced picture of corporate culture in the world’s top organizations.
You can create significant value by buying troubled businesses and fixing them up. Here’s how.
MIT SMR takes a look at whether disruptive market forces necessarily doom some players to failure.
Before determining an ecosystem strategy, organizations must first shift to a new perspective and way of thinking.
The real opportunity for organizations goes beyond doing more of the same labor faster and cheaper.
Organizations can innovate to address environmental and social problems — but they need to build the right culture.
Strong multi-business companies are defying expectations in three ways.
Free markets and free minds require access to new ideas, innovation, and infrastructure.
The question “What’s the business case for sustainability?” has come roaring back in recent years.
Companies seeking tech alliances to stay competitive may benefit from an adaptive ecosystem model.
Microsoft has launched a $50 million initiative to figure out ways to help AI “save the world.”
Digitization alone doesn’t make your company “digital” — but these five guiding principles can help.