Data & Data Culture
The Best of This Week
The data science management process, job moves for pay equity, and political concerns in M&As.
The data science management process, job moves for pay equity, and political concerns in M&As.
Addressing social capital in return-to-office plans, deploying AI to manage wealth, and reducing coordination complexity with microservices.
New research on retail profitability, the promise of platform-based business models, and retraining employees to meet revised strategic priorities.
Digital inclusion to help solve grand challenges, meaningful support for Pride Month, and reimagined workspaces.
Nudges for less-biased hiring, networking to drive inclusion, and defusing opposition to racial equity initiatives.
Good arguments at the core of great strategy, the risks of concurrent change initiatives, and the courage to be candid.
Practical strategies for hybrid work, linking good intentions to intentional actions, and Daniel Kahneman on “noise.”
Identifying the right change strategy, boosting stagnated skills, and managing demand fluctuations.
“Absorbing by observation” while working remotely, prospering in turbulent times with dynamic rules, and centering ESG in quarterly earnings calls.
Adapting roles amid organizational change, “invisible” leadership transitions, and new digital olfaction technologies.
Assessing effective frameworks, managing the risks of digital personas, and benefiting at work from volunteerism.
Crowdsourcing platforms, updating how work gets done in a new normal, and simplifying data migration.
Connecting through collaboration and conflict, preventing leader derailment, and assessing the impact of leaders’ unethical requests.
Hiring with AI, creating learning organizations, and cultivating a high-purpose culture to support leadership at all levels.
Remote approaches to early-career talent development, tips for less-draining virtual meetings, and overlooked partners to help bridge employee skills gaps.
Post-pandemic work arrangements, linking inclusion and organizational learning, and smarter pricing.
Preparing workers for a digital future, targeted learning, and the emotions of returning to the office.
Incremental platform scaling, ecosystem development for sustainable success, and competition in platform-based markets.
Data science obstacles, concerns about data executive roles, and the virtual hiring process.
Making diversity and inclusion real, clarifying pandemic data, and how Amazon will innovate post-Bezos.