Technology Implementation
Working With Robots in a Post-Pandemic World
Despite advances in automation, good people and good techniques remain essential to manual work.
Despite advances in automation, good people and good techniques remain essential to manual work.
Risk mitigation is an important new priority for business operations during the pandemic.
Universities worldwide scramble to create new learning environments in response to COVID-19.
Artificial intelligence can give businesses a competitive advantage during (and despite) the COVID-19 pandemic.
The world’s unbanked populations represent a compelling social need and a tremendous economic opportunity.
A webinar describes how to develop AI customer service chatbots that meet customer expectations.
A webinar explains how AI can improve communication and coordination across business units
Companies using e-commerce sites like Amazon must work to maintain a strong brand identity.
Digital business means constant uptime — and relentless pressure on enterprise IT. But AI can help.
Giving customers what they want quickly is a worthy goal. Businesses can’t always afford to do it.
When employees represent the views of customers, management needs to have their backs.
Top-down management is good for building operational excellence but not rapid innovation.
A webinar describing what companies need to effectively use AI and automation for operations.
New research by MIT SMR Connections and NETSCOUT reveals IT leaders’ data analytics priorities.
There’s no oversight on coders who write critical software that runs key systems. That must change.
Data on its own has value, but insights from that data substantially increase its value.
Done right, automation can be a win for everyone — even workers.
Digital customer service platforms offer better service when they use customer-centric language.
Unlikely collaborators are teaming up to provide higher-quality, lower-cost services.
Using AI to create humanlike computers is a shortsighted goal.